Friday, January 15, 2010

Feeling More Like a Venezuelan

Bewteen yesterday and today we were able to visit two steel mines. Well, actually the one today was the steel mill where the rock from the mines are transported. The steel mine is located in the city of Porto Ordaz which offers the majority of the jobs for the people around here. Yesterdays steel mine was further away. The bus ride was kind of a long one... 2 hours there and 2 hours back with no air. But it was still fun. We actually got to see 4 of the open pit mines. It was so pretty to see all of the different colors. The machines they used at the mines were huge!! The tour today was also pretty neat. It sounds like working there can be pretty dangerous though. They even have their own hospital on site. In the afternoon Beth and I went over to a barrio where a group of families live that we know. The younger girls were surprised and excited to see us. We ended up watching two movies with them. Tonight we went to one of the other chapels to visit the people on of the other barrios down here. It was a lot of fun. We were taught the calypso which is the type of dance they do. Yes, in that picture Beth and I got to try on the costumes and show everyone our moves. I started to feel like a true Venezuelan. Which by the way Mom... Dad... I think I am discovering I am part Venezuelan. First off I love the food and the people, second off they do not stop dancing and I do not stop dancing ;) and the one thing that gets me is how they are never on time! Im telling you I relate with these people so well. I love how relaxed the culture is. Everything always just flows, which can be a bad thing at times, but for the most part even 20 mins late means you're early around here. I just got up and did the macarena for Beth, as it was just being played outside of our window. Spanish music is blaring and I think the people out there are throughly enjoying themsleves, which makes me happy. I hope it doesn't go on for to much longer ha. Tomorrow the group is going to go back to the other chapel where we had our hard day of work. However, Fr. Greg gave Beth and I the option to go out with the St Vincent De Paul group and go visit the poorest of the poor who are sick. I think Beth is still contemplating on her decision, but I know that I definitely want to go visit the sick. Oh and all day I have been thinking/praying about Haiti. I just can't stop thinking about it and what the people there are going through. I also am so thankful to God that He lead us here and not there where we were planning on going. Well, now the song playing right now is pretty mellow, so Im thinking I should try and fall asleep to this one :) Buenas Noches!


  1. You sure look cute in your Venezuelan dress! Maybe you can bring it home and teach all of us how to dance like a venezuelan!!! I wish I could have came down with Beth and you! Next year!!!! (Maybe) LOL MISS YOU

  2. And I must say you are also looking more Venezuelan!!! This made me smile~ Love, Aunty M
