Monday, January 11, 2010

Trabajo Trabajo Trabajo

Work Work Work! Today was filled with alot of hard work. From 9-2:30 we went to one of the little church's that Fr. Greg had built in another barrio ( there are other one's built around as well). If he had not built this one or the others the people would have had to walk over 45 minutes to get to church. We got to the site and started to work. There were three huge piles of rock mixed with dirt, leaves, and other friendly surprises. We bagged up the piles which took quite some time. Then we had to dig up this huge pile of dirt and large rock. We had to use a wheelbarrel to get it up into it's destination. This was the hardest part of the day. I must confess that I killed 3 cockroaches as I was digging out the dirt. We saw about 3 huge spiders, which we found out were deadly (only if they were to bite us)!! Kind of scary but I didn't worry about it. By the end of the day we were all covered from head to toe in dirt. I got so excited because I thought I had a good tan line going, after I cleaned up it had disappeared. It was only dirt :( I managed to get a little sun on the nose and shoulders though. We all worked up a hard sweat. It was such hard work, yet most of the people around here do that everyday!!! We were fortunate enough to get lunch brought to us and have a large pitcher of ice cold water. I realized that many of the people do not even get that. I give them so much credit for the work that they do. It truly amazes me! They are such hard workers too. Did I mention that these people work extremely hard down here, because they really do! After work we got back and were able to rest for a little bit. We then went to english class with one of the boys who is living down here from MN. He teaches english to people at the church. It was fun listening to them speak english and they had fun listening to us trying to speak spanish. After, we went to the market and were able to buy some food. It was a bit overwhelming, but I finally got my helado treat! Tonight at the church they had speakers come and talk about the education system. As I wanted to go and listen we were also invited over to one of our friend's house here to make pizzas with a group of the Venezuelan's. Beth wanted to go to the speakers and I really wanted to hang out with the Venezuelan's and go to the speakers. She told me she would recap for me what the speakers had to say. I ended up having alot of fun with the group making pizza's. Eventhough I could not speak spanish and they couldn't speak english we still were able to bond. The few who spoke english helped translate. I felt like I fit right in with all of them:) Oh and also yesterday we visited a small town and had lunch there and went swimming in an old gold mine. It was so cool and refreshing. We all enjoyed ourselves. We also had another speaker who worked for the government come in and talk with us about it. Wow it is so sad to hear about how everything is dictated around here. This woman was so great though! She has a pretty important position in the government and has such a strong faith. She explained the importance of keeping God apart of EVERYTHING, and when you take Him away corruption happens. That is what is happening with the government. We all agreed that it was so neat to hear a person with such strong faith to be leading in politics. She admitted that she doesn't know what the future will look like for this country as far as the government issues but she trusts God and asked for our prayers. Well, I should be going to bed now. Another busy day tomorrow. Oh and as I promised... Molly this is your SHOUT OUT! I love you seester!


  1. It is so fun hearing what you have been up to!!! Sending Love and hugs over the internet to you~

  2. wooo you did a OUTSTANDiNG job with updateing this FINLALLY! - monica, i told emily that she needs to WRITE IN THIS EVERYDAY BECAUSE ALL us here are checking this daily to see what she has been up to...- lol but WOO THANKS FOR THE SHOUT OUT! I FEEL HONerED YOU GAVE ME A SHOUT OUT! i love you seeester tooo miss you much!

  3. Thanks Aunty M! I can feel it :)Im sending it back to you!!

    I am happy you feel honored seester.
