Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jugar La Mano Baseball!

Today was overall just a great day :) This morning Beth and I went over to the home for street boys for the first time. We had been meaning to, but it never worked out. We arrived just in time for their morning prayer. It was so cool to listen to them all go around and offer up their intentions. I had no idea what they were saying, but it was still great to hear. Oh and the home for street boys is a home that houses 9 boys right now. The woman who runs it literally finds the boys living on the street and brings them in. It's so sad but it can be a common thing around here. Either the parents just leave the kids or in a lot of cases I have been told the mom's new boyfriend doesn't like the kids, so he makes the mom leave them. So that is the kind of background the boys we visited came from. It made me sad, but honestly I couldn't even tell. These boys were sooo much fun and full of energy! They have pretty strict schedules they follow. We got in on their morning chores with them. We did a little scubbing and sweeping. There were also two tutors from the university that were there working with some of the boys. After cleaning we visited. Next thing I know I hear loud music coming from the backyard. Sure enough they brought speakers back there and were ready to teach us how to play hand baseball. The woman at the home turned down the music a bit ;) I have never been good at baseball and even with hand baseball I was not great either. We literally hit the ball with our hand. They had no gloves or bats. It was so cool to see them enjoy this game without (what I thought) was necessary gear. Beth and I ended up playing on opposing teams. It was sooo hot out there that one time she gave me permission to get her out haha. We had alot of fun. Beth whipped out some of her impressive hand stands and one of the boys taught her how to do a one handed one. I caught one of the boys trying to do the splits, so I was able to go along with him. Then, later in the afternoon we went with Jack (one of the boys from MN living down here) to Jenny's (the amazing cook here) house. It was her husband's birthday. They are from Guyana which is an English speaking country, so everyone there spoke english. What a rare occasion! We just sat up on the roof and spoke with them all. They love talking about U.S. politics which is not one of my specialties, but I am getting better. I was impressed with how aware they are on what is going on in our country. Oh and I must add the meal Jenny made (which I was very excited for) was delicious!! I had duck for the first time and I really liked it. Oh and yesterday Fr. Greg took us out to eat at a seafood place and I tried calamari (not sure how to spell) for the first time. It was very good. Maybe I am just a bit deprived haha I guess it tastes way better down here though, so I might not like it back home. Then tonight we went over to one of the family's for a going away party for one of their family members who is going back to MN with his wife and baby. It was sad because I had to say goodbye to the the girls there. I am not sure if I will see them before I leave. I can't believe we only have a few days left here!!

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