Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Smile and Say Hello Everywhere You Go

I now can say that I have been inside a prison in Venezuela. Today we were met by a deacon who also serves as a chaplain for the police department. His testimony is so cool! It's a long one, but let's just say the last place he ever would have seen himself is working with a police department. He says that serving God isn't easy,but He will lead the way and we must follow. He kept on assuring us that we are so lucky to be American citizens and that we need to appreciate everything we have. He kept giving examples of the littlest thing that we have that people down here don't, such as creamer in our coffee. In the U.S. we have so many different flavors and options where down here the grocery stores are often out of milk. Even the different sandwich spreads. He kept telling us how much he misses a good sandwich. He told us we need to take care of our country, fight for our country, and respect it. He did also say that Venezuela is a great country (it truly is!) and they are so blessed with what they do have. They do have many resources, most of the ones they need. This guy was so humble it was such a witness to see. We then hopped onto a bus and were first brought to the emergency department 171 (instead of 911). We got to go inside and see all of the monitors and telephone operators who take the emergency phone calls. It was really neat to see. Then, we took the bus to the prison. We were privledged enough to meet the chief police. I felt safe knowing he was there ;) Then they opened the doors and allowed us to walk through where the cells were. There were two large cells with men inside of them. No air and it was dark inside of the cells, so we couldn't see much. However, they did come and peak through the bars. There were also men outside that we could see. I think the most scary thing for me was not knowing why the men were in there. I didn't know who was a robber, a murderer, and so on. But I tried n0t to think about it as I did smile at them, as we all did and said hello. I wish I knew how to say God Bless You in espanol beacause I so wanted to say it to them :) There were about 140 men we were told. I have never been in a prison in the U.S. but I am pretty sure they are much nicer, which isn't a good thing. After that we were going to go to the juvinile deliquent center, but we weren't able today. Hopefully soon though. Now, we have just been hanging out. We walked around and got some helado gusta helado!! Soon we are going to go meet with the doctor here. She is going to talk with us about the problems with malnutrition down here. I am excited to finally meet her, because she has been out of town. My friend Jose informed me that I would finally see her today (cuz he knows I am a nursing student). Oh and last night we went to a birthday party for one of the girls who I have been bonding with. It was soo much fun. More dancing!! I think I am really starting to get the hang of their salsa dancing down here. I just love it! We had fun dancing with all of the lil kids. The lil boys in the picture were amazing lil dancers. I am pretty sure they were all born with the talent in them. Have a great day. Miss you all! chao


  1. Emily~It looks like your doing a good job of finding all the ice cream stores. Maybe if our prisons were more like there's, we wouldn't have so many repeat offenders. Can you believe all that you've done in 1 short week. Do you sometimes feel like your in a dream. Take care, be safe and thanks for the great updates and pictures. We miss you~
    Me gusto Emily~God Bless~Mom

  2. Maybe I should come down there and find the Ice cream stores with you :-) I miss you! Your doing a great job updating your journal! I love the pictures! I can't wait to see them all when you come home!!!!!!

  3. Sounds like you are getting such a variety of experiences from day-to-day! What a hard day of work you had, good for you! It's so great you get to witness such poverty and hardship and get a sense of how great we have it here! Keep the stories coming =)I like to imagine I am there too! Haha
    I'm glad you got your helado! Lol
    And way to be a loving witness to everyone you are seeing and meeting, Emily! I just know that you are doing a wonderful thing and being a ray of sun(SON)shine to everyone!

    I don't know if you heard about the earthquakes in Haiti, but the first thing I thought of when I heard about such devastation in that area was how God protected you...When I read this quote, I was so grateful that you were able to follow God's call to Venezuela. You totally could have been killed if you would had been staying with any of the other Catholics there!

    "Port-au-Prince is totally devastated. The cathedral, the Archbishop's Office, all of the big churches, all of the seminaries have been reduced to rubble. The same luck for the Ministry buildings, the Presidential Palace, the schools. The Parish Priest of the Cathedral, who was spared, told me that the archbishop of Port-au-Prince would have died under the rubble, together with hundreds of seminarians and priests that are under the ruins."

    -The Catholic News Agency

  4. I was a little worried what you did when you started your post off with being in Prison :) Glad it was just a visit. And thank you for reminding us how lucky we are....even when we have a bad day, we have full refrigerators and warm beds..........XOXO Aunty M~
